Titles with the mark solid diamond denote titles of the series while the mark open diamond denotes the sub-title. Those titles without any mark are the additions of the compiler of the catalogue.

MOMIJI GARI. Early actor Print: Scene from the play called Momiji gari. General Taira no Koremochi, while on a maple viewing picnic made the acquaintance of an unknown princess, who after lulling him to sleep with sake and dancing, resumes her real personalty as a man-eating goblin. Warned in a dream by a messenger from Hachiman, the God of War, Koremochi awakens and amidst a wild storm defends himself with a magic sword from the attack of the goblin, who is finally vanquished. Nimai-tsuzuki (Diptych). Published by Iwatoya (japanese text).
Mr. T. Nakamura
open diamond
KANGI and WATŌNAI. Early actor print, showing an adventure of Watonai, a strong man of Chinese and Japanese parentage in the palace of Prince Kangi. Nimai-tsuzuki. Published by Daikokuya (japanese text).
Mr. S. Watanabe
solid diamond
A MOTHER HOLDING UP HER BOY. This is one of the prints belonging to a series which represents a mother's love of her children. Hiroshige distinguished himself as the famous landscape painter. But when young he first tried warriors and then beauties and actors. This print was drawn in about 1817 and is something after Eizan's in style. Ō-ban Tateye.
Mr. T. Nakamura
solid diamond
A BEAUTY AND THE SAMISEN CASE. One of a series of five called Fūryu Itsutsu Karigane. Note the rare writing of the signature Ichiyusai-Hiroshige (japanese text). Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Iwatoya.
Mr. T. Nakamura
solid diamond
SOTO TO UCHI SUGATA HAKKEI, Eight Views, Comparing Women and Scenery. This series consists of four sheets each having two views, one in a small circle above the figure piece
open diamond
KŌSHI no YAU, Evening rain, (Outdoor). open diamond MAGAKI no SEIRAN, Harlot fully attired offering kiseru (Smoking pipe) to her lover outside (Indoor). Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Eijudō (japanese text)
Mr. K. Matsuki
solid diamond
open diamond
RŌKA no BOSETSU, Evening snow on the verandah (Outdoor), open diamond ZASHIKI no YŪSHŌ. Woman going to rest and calling her servant by clapping her hands.
(Indoor). Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Eijudō.
The other two sheets, not shown, are
open diamond Tampo no Rakugan; in circle, figure piece, (Outdoor). open diamond Kinuginu ban sho, (Indoor). (Happer Cat. No. 2.)
open diamond Yanagi bashi no Shūgetsu, in circle, showing girls on a jetty pulling in a boat. (Outdoor). open diamond Kuake no Kihan, showing a geisha in night robe warming her hands over a charcoal fire (Indoor).
Mr. N. Ochiai
THE FAMOUS ACTOR DANJŪRŌ, on the New Year's Stage. Surimono, dated 3rd year of Bunsei (1820).Shikishi-ban.
Mr. M. Uchida
A WATCH. Surimono, dated 6th year of Bunsei (1823).Shikishi-ban.
Mr. S. Watanabe
solid diamond
BIJIN FŪZOKU A WASE. Comparison of Fine Women.
A BEAUTY of SHINMACHI, the licensed quarter of Osaka. Professional beauties of various districts. Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Iwatoya.
Mr. Z. Kakuha
solid diamond
YEDO JIMAN. Pride of Yedo.
A BEAUTY AND AUTUMNAL FLOWERS. Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Kawa-Shō (japanese text)
Mr. T. Nakamura
open diamond
TŌTO SHINAGAWA, open diamond FUKAGAWA SHINCHI, open diamond RYŌGOKU NO KEI. Each sheet has a landscape picture within an enclosure drawn after the shape of fan and a half-length portrait of a beauty coloured in blue within an enclosure after the shape of folding fan. Ō-ban Tateye. 3 sheets. Published by Yedomatsu (japanese text).
JŪRŌ SUKENARI by Kikugorō, Actor. Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Kawa-Chō (japanese text).
Mrs. Y. Yamamoto
solid diamond
IMA YO GOSEKKU. Five Annual Festivals.
A BEAUTY ENJOYING THE BREEZE, IN THE SUMMER EVENING. Ō-ban Tateye. Published by Yama-Chō (japanese text).
Mr. .J. S. Happer
THE FESTIVAL OF THE ASAKUSA KWANNON TEMPLE FOR RAISING THE CURTAINS OF AN IMAGE OF BUDDHA. Dated 10th year of Bunsei. (1827). Sammai-tsuzuki (Triptych). Published by Yeijudō.
Mr. T. Hirose
MITATE ZASHIKI KYŌGEN, Amateurs playing comic drama at the daimyo's residence. Sammai-tsuzuki. Published by Iwatoya.
Mr. H. Shugio
solid diamond
IMAYŌ SHIKI no TSUYA. Beauties of four seasons in fashionable styles.
open diamond
AKI no BU, TSUKI no YEN. Autumn moon party. Sammai-tsuzuki. Published by Daikokuya, Yotsuya.
Mr. M. Uchida
The above are Hiroshige's early productions issued in the closing years of the Bunka era (1804-17) Bunsei (1818-29) and the early years of Tempō (1830-43).